Service Area - Anchorage, Alaska

Helping businesses in Southcentral Alaska grow and thrive in the last frontier

Serving Southcentral Alaska means more than just serving Anchorage. From Denali, through the Matsu Borough to Kenai and even Homer, we support small businesses across one of the largest and most diverse geographies in North America.

Read our Story in Anchorage

Globally, professional businesses face a variety of IT challenges. One of the most common challenges is ensuring the security and confidentiality of sensitive client information, such as medical records, business records, or legal documents.

In addition, these businesses need to maintain reliable and efficient IT systems that can handle the demands of their operations. This includes managing large amounts of data, ensuring that software and hardware are up-to-date and functioning properly, and implementing disaster recovery plans in case of system failures. With the increasing use of technology in these industries, it is also important for professional businesses to keep up with the latest advancements in IT to stay competitive and provide the best possible service to their clients.

Vicinity provides a full range of IT support and consulting services to help your team tackle the most complex technology problems.

Industries we Serve

  • Accountants & Bookkeepers in Anchorage
  • Attorneys & Legal Service Firms in Anchorage
  • Construction Contractors in Anchorage
  • Insurance Agencies & Brokerages in Anchorage
  • Medical/Dental Practices & Clinics in Anchorage
  • Opticians/Optometrists/Opthalmologists in Anchorage
  • Professional Architects & Engineers in Anchorage